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Our first day teaching the Health and Hygiene curriculum was a great success for the whole team!  The Rusert family started off the morning leading the adults (mostly women since the men were working) in a community mapping exercise.  The point of this lesson was to split them up into small groups and have them show and tell us about what their local neighborhood is like.  They did this by drawing a map and also listing things they loved about their community and what they saw as their biggest needs.  Here is a look at the finished drawings:

Then they talked about diarrhea, what it is, what causes it and how you can treat it.  Tomorrow, we will be talking about rehydration as a follow-up to this discussion.

After the adult lesson, Josh R, Sammy, Keith and Carolyn went out with 2 translators and some church workers to install water filters in 10 homes.  The experience of being invited into their homes is both extremely humbling and inspiring.  It is humbling to see how they are able to live on such simple means, when we are used to a much different lifestyle.  It is inspiring to see how much pride they take in the things that they do have.  It is a great reminder that everything is a blessing from God, and not something to be taken for granted.


The rest of the team was back at the church preparing for the Children's lesson today:  Germs and how to stop them from spreading, and the Bible lesson of the woman at the well.  The lessons were integrated with some fun games, which game the team a great way to interact with the kids.


Now the team is preparing for dinner and our evening meeting.  If we get a chance, we will post more details about our experience later this evening or tomorrow morning.


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